This is more then just something you wear ...

This is more then clothes, this is a brand - this is a lifestyle. This company is about appealing to the customer who has dreams, ambitions, and individuality. This is for the person who wants do more then the usual 9-5. Someone who doesn`t settle for the average, and lives life to its upmost potential. This brand showcases that there is more to life then staying bound to one path. Nothing is impossible!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Female Weezy ? We think so ...


Exclusive interview with B Dot Oh Yesss
'She`s ready to let the game know she`s here, and no we not talking bout Weezy'

So for those who don`t know you, give us a quick bio of yourself. My name is Brittani Dominique Smith, but I go by the name of B Dot Oh Yesss. I`m 24 years old From Rialto/Rancho Cucamonga, and I am a musician (rap and harmonize ha-ha).

*Laughs* harmonize ... is that right? Yes ma'am *laughs* People don`t know that side of me yet but they definitely will.

So when you say harmonize are you saying that you can sing - I’m sure inquiring minds want to know? I can sing a little but I'll just say harmonize just so there will be no confusion and a certain expectation *laughs*.

Ha-ha ok, that`s the safe thing to do. When was the first time that you spit a sick flow and knew that this was what you wanted to do? To be honest I didn't know at all until I was talked into it by Jordan (cousin/manager) and this was at the end of September 2010. So it was just a spur of the moment type thing. My first time in the studio I super fell in love with this whole making music thing.

What was the first encounter he had of this talent of yours, or in other words how did he find out you even had the ability to rap? He found out at the beginning of September when he heard a couple of songs a friend and I had done. Those songs where just for fun I wasn't even thinking about pursuing this

So would you say this was a talent you never knew you really had? I knew I could do it but not to this extent I just thought it was always a biased opinion so I never took myself serious.

Oh ok, so how would you describe your style of rapping? My style, I would have to say I’m very similar to Lil Wayne because we use NUMEROUS amounts of metaphors.

So would you say that he influences you lyrically ... or would you say the comparison is coincidental? I would probably say both...if that makes any sense.

Yes it does. How does it make you feel when you hear people comparing you and saying that you’re the female Wayne? Do you feel pressured by that or inspired? First and foremost, I definitely feel inspired because it’s such an honor. That’s like a kid who grew up idolizing Michael Jordan and people later compare this kid to him. However, it can be a little pressuring but I’m used to being a competitor so it’s not bad at all.

Right, I can only imagine how that made you feel - when you had that first person tell you, “wow you are the female Wayne.” So let`s keep it real - do you feel like you’re as skilled as Wayne, or better? Ha-ha yes I was all smiles, I’m actually smiling right now *laughs*. Ehh I would just say I feel like I can compete for now, but I will definitely work on getting on his level completely or maybe even better. Everyone wants to be the best at something and that is what I am definitely working on.

If people are already comparing you to him, you can only get better, I live to see the day when you battle with him. *laughs* because I’m going to be there when you beat him. But, since this is the beginning of 2011, what do you plan to accomplish this year? Ha-ha I can’t wait for that day either. I just plan on doing as many songs as I can and working on my craft. But the biggest goal is to put my team (The U) and me on the map! And after that SPACE is definitely the limit!

Yeah because the sky is no longer the limit. It sure isn`t *laughs*

Who is "The U", and who does it consist of? The U consists of Donye'a G., Merge, Deezy, Kenny Wright, Faye Valentine, Dave Young, A Roc, Ami and I. Which are producers, writers, and artists.

Ok so this is the team that you plan to take with you to the top? Indeed.

Always important to have a team, what can we anticipate from you on your upcoming mixtape? And do you have a name for it yet? Everything! Different tempos, different genres, harmonizing...everything! Yes, it’s called "Prepare for Takeoff"

Do we have an anticipated release date yet? It’s the first of a 4 vol. Mixtape. We are shooting for the 21st or the 28th of January.

Ok, that’s right around the corner. A 4 volume mixtape, that’s a different approach, what made you want to do a 4 volume mixtape - is there any kind story behind that? Well it’s only because we have come up with 4 different names and they all coincide and have a similar theme.

Well I look forward to hearing what each mixtape will bring. Because I’m sure they will all bring to the table some pieces that the current rap game is missing. Me too that is what I'm definitely shooting for.

And last but definitely not least, where is it that people can get in contact with you, twitter, facebook, blog? Definitely on (, (, and I will eventually have my own website.

Well we all look forward to that ... thank you for your time and we look forward to that mixtape we are def going to have to chit chat it up again when it drops. Of course... and thank you for the opportunity!!!

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