When I look back over the past years of my life it`s so amazing to see how far i`ve come. I remember when I was a young girl just trying to fit in with the cool kids, now i`m trying to stand apart. With every success there is a story. No one can say they don`t have a story as to why they got where they are currently. Even though we go through moments, trials, and tests that we wish we never had to go through - in the end it all has a purpose. There are better decisions I wish I would have made, people I could have done with out, and one single regret in my past. However, if I were to change one thing in my past, i`m sure it would effect my present and where i`d be at right now.
Because today was my first glimpse of what i`ll be doing for the rest of my life. I`ve never been more driven to get my company up and running then I am right now. To have people who are in my corner and truly believe in me, my craft, and what I do is amazing. It makes be feel like I can truly do this. God has really taken me through some tests in this past year and i`m trying to do my best to pass them. Because I know I have failed and gone through a few of the same test numerous times. You can`t make progress until you make the change you need to get there.
But today was the first photo shoot of many more to come that I styled with some accessories. These were pure promotional head shots so there needed to be some added glamour of some sort to the shot. So I ended up using some of my own shades, along with some hand crafted studs I made myself. it`s always reassuring to have people that love my product and what i create. Sometimes it is hard to stay true to yourself when your goal is to appeal to the masses! However, I always have to remember who i`m doing this for and why. I`m doing this for the girl who has difficulty trying to fit in, i`m doing this for the girl who sometimes wasn`t confident enough in herself to know she is something special, i`m doing this for the girl who is like me! In most cases all women can relate to this girl. Nobody can say their life was perfect or that they had everything about themselves in tact. Whether is be physically, mentally, emotionally, maybe even spiritually. So today felt like the biggest step in the world today. Because I felt like I was on the way to showing that little girl who may be watching me that its ok to not fit in. God made us the way we were for a reason. Take it and embrace it! Because you never know when that time might come that you will have little girls looking up to you.
Today was honestly a great day!
and it`s all because of Him, my Heavenly Father :)
Until Next time!
Keep it Beautiful!
Keep it Fashionable!
Now that was a really nice post, i love the concept of "the little girl who likes me" I can honestly say that i was that little boy who tried to fit in and now trying to stand out in my own field. So together we will do that. great post i expected nothing less :)